نموذج تأهيل الموردين - مصرف الصفا

Suppliers Qualification Form

Supplier name in Arabic: *
Supplier name in English: *
Operator category : *
Licensed operator number: *
Commercial Registration Number / Registration Certificate: *
Place of establishment: *
Date of Establishment: *
The bank account number of any bank: *
Bank name *
The legal form of the supplier: *
Do you own an agency for a specific brand
The owner's name:
Owner ID number:
The name of the authorized signatory: *
account number: *
The company's business field / main supplier according to the trades and professions license: *
Phone: *
Mobile: *
The approved e-mail of the company / institution: *
Address: *
Applicant's name: *
Signature / company seal:

Attach the following files :

Company/Supplier Profile: *
Copy of the company/supplier registration certificate: *
A copy of the identity of the owner of the company: *
Source discount certificate:

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